Website Maintenance, Web Updates - Website Management Services, Prices and Cost

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Websites need to stay fresh!

Fresh websites get more traffic, don’t look old and help you communicate better with your members, clients & potential clients.

We build a website maintenance plan into many of the websites we sell but we also maintain many websites that we did not create. Could your website use a quick update? Do you need something fixed?


Web Maintenance Services

Webstix provides several kinds of maintenance services to help keep things fresh:

  • We can provide regular updates beyond maintenance.
  • We can clean up and maintain websites that Webstix did not even create.
  • We can perform website software patches and upgrades for you for software like WordPress and Joomla.
  • We can resize and optimize images for your website or else apply special treatments like rounded corners.
View our menu of services

What our clients say

  • They did such a beautiful job putting our website together and it matched our branding and integrated all the themes we had envisioned for the ...

  • We went to multiple companies looking for different options to have our website built and Lennart was the only one to call us back and ...

  • I really want to thank you guys for the beautiful site! I LOVE IT! Thank you SO much! ...

  • We’re busy running our business and what Webstix enables us to do is come up with ideas that are important so we can get back ...

  • Webstix did a great job of helping us design our website to reach our audience. We couldn’t function without it and them. Thanks guys! ...

    - Fred Grossenbach
    All God’s People

Our Happy Website Maintenance Clients

We have done several website maintenance works for clients from all over the world. Here is a partial list:


Website Maintenance Prices

Each “Maintenance Block” is a half hour of time. Buy a 6-pack and start saving!

1 Block (1/2 hour)


2 Blocks (1 hour)


3 Blocks (1.5 hours)


4 Blocks (2 hours)


5 Blocks (2.5 hours)


6 Pack of Blocks (3 hours)


12 Blocks (6 hours)


24 Blocks (12 hours)


48 Pack of Blocks (24 hours)


Try Us


Buy 2 Blocks

(1 hour) for $57
Buy 4 Blocks

(2 hours) for $97

*First time customers only on a domain name that we have not done maintenance work before. This is a one time offer. Two Maintenance Blocks for $57 is just $28.50 per block and four Maintenance Blocks for $97 is just $24.25 per block (per half hour).


Our Blog

10 Signs Your Website Desperately Needs Maintenance

Is Website Maintenance Service in Your Immediate Future? Your website is the face of your business online. It’s often the first impression potential customers have of your brand. But what happens when your website isn’t pulling its weight? A neglected website can frustrate visitors, hurt your credibility, and ultimately cost you business. In this article, …

What Maintenance Needs to be Done on Most Websites

Introduction Hey there, webmasters and website owners! Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, regular website maintenance is crucial for keeping your site running smoothly and efficiently. Just like your car needs a little TLC to keep on cruising, your website requires attention to ensure everything is functioning as it should. In this …

Upgrading PHP on Your WordPress Website

WordPress PHP Updates – Done Professionally WordPress is a set of scripts written in a programming language called PHP. From time to time, the PHP language gets upgrades, which are either new features, bug fixes, or even vulnerability fixes. This means that the core WordPress software, plugins, add-ons, and themes all need to keep up …

Free Tools & Information

Do You Use a CMS?

Even clients that have our CMS (content management system) sometimes have us do website maintenance for them. You need to spend your time running your business so give your website update work to the experts. When you need your car fixed, you don’t take courses on how to fix your car – you take it to the mechanic. Webstix is your website mechanic!

Website Maintenance Ticket System

Using our easy ticket system makes thing easy for you. You can create a ticket that goes right to our maintenance team by just sending in an email. What happens when you submit a ticket is:

  • We estimate how much time the work will take.
  • If the work will take less than an hour and you have Maintenance Blocks in your account, then we start the work immediately.
  • If the work will take more than an hour or you do not have Maintenance Blocks in your account, then we email you our estimate and wait for your approval before we begin.
  • When the work is completed, you receive an email that give you links (or screen shots) to see the work. We backup all files that we update and we also test all of our work in different web browsers. Working on live websites is something we don't take lightly as we realize your website represents your business or organization.
start a Maintenance Request Now!

Website Maintenance Help

Our website maintenance service includes the following:

  • We will give you an estimate for the work or you can decide to just have us do the work if it's under a thresh old that you set.
  • Once accepted, we complete the website update work for you.
  • A back up copy of files we're going to edit are created.
  • We will spell check your copy.
  • We test links. We check how the update looks in multiple web browsers and operating systems including:
    • Internet Explorer
    • Firefox
    • Safari
    • Chrome
    • Windows XP
    • Windows Vista
    • Mac OSX
  • We document our changes and create a report for you.
  • The work is completed, we update your Maintenance Blocks page and we email you a report.
  • We can work either in a staging site environment or we can work on your live website. Using a staging site environment usually takes more time though since the staging site would have to be set up an d then those changes would then have to be moved up to the live website. If you do not have a staging website set up, we can do that but again, we would need to charge for the extra time to do that.
  • Even if we don't set up a staging website, that's fine. We keep copies of changed files, so it's easy to change things back if needed. Using a staging site is up to you. We work on live websites all the time.

Is a Long Term Commitment or Contract Required?

Absolutely not. You can buy what you need or else pre-pay for more maintenance and then hang onto it for when you'll need help later on. Many of our clients buy a 12 or 24 pack of Maintenance Blocks at a time so that they have some in their account to use whenever they want. They can then just easily submit a new website maintenance request to us, we do the work and the blocks are deducted. It's easy!