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SEO Services in Madison, WI

What Good is a Great Website if Nobody Can Find It?

Having a new website is like having a phone number - just because you have a phone number doesn't mean the phone will ring. You need to have it marketed and promoted.

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Years ago, you just placed an ad in the Yellow Pages and you were done. You thought about it once a year (paid for it monthly) and the phone rang - you got business. Simple, right?

Today, every website owner needs to be a content publisher, marketing expert, promotion guru and keep up on the latest methods and strategies for doing it all the right way. For most business owners, they don't have the time to do it. It doesn't fall into the daily list of tasks to complete. They can't afford to hire a good, skilled expert who can do all of that the right way and be effective.

SEO Services and Local SEO Madison, WI

The solution is to hire experts to do the work for you and that is what Webstix can do. We can handle your website search engine optimization (SEO), pay per click (PPC) marketing, content development and social media promotion. We have the expertise to get this done, get it done right and get you rankings and traffic.


What is SEO?

SEO (search engine optimization) is the process of optimizing a website to rank higher than your competition on the best keyword (and keyword phrase) search results. The result is more traffic to the website.

How Do You Do SEO?

You optimize a website using a combination of:

  • good keyword research
  • on-site:
    • structure
    • page titles
    • meta descriptions
    • headings
    • content
      • images
      • videos
    • page speed / load time
    • fixing errors
    • responsive design
  • off-site:
    • backlinks
    • social signals
    • branding
    • citations
    • reputation
    • reviews

And all of this takes time to accomplish. It's a lot of technical, grunt work that most people either don't know how to do or do not want to do. When you make a change on your website one day, it can take a week or more to see the results of that change.

Before SEO is done, the website should be evaluated and more or different calls to action should be added to get more conversions with that website's current/existing traffic. The benefits of this are that the website gets more conversions (leads and sales) right away and then even more when you send more traffic to it.

Our SEO Process for Small & Medium Size Businesses

1. Website Evaluation (On-Site SEO)

The first thing we'll do is evaluate your website. If we didn't create your site, then there's a lot to look at - many, small details. We'll get you a quote on adjusting your website so that when we do start promoting it, search engines will like it and it can best convert website visitors into customers.

Often, after getting a number of things fixed, there's a bump in rankings and your website starts converting better with the traffic you already have!

There's even a change we can make to most websites' home pages for about $450 that often has a huge impact on rankings. You do this thing once and it keeps working for you in the future with higher rankings that is something Google actually wants you to do with your website.

2. Keyword Research

Doing proper keyword research is like taking a reading on a map. It'll give us a path on how to get the website ranked and for which terms. Without this, a lot of work can be done but you won't end up where you need to be.

We'll focus on specific keywords that are good for immediate traffic and other keywords that are more competitive for long-term, organic SEO. Ideally, the best bang for your buck are longer tail keywords that get traffic and have low competition.

What you want to stay away from are SEO companies that get you top rankings for keywords that nobody is searching for. We've seen these reports. They look impressive but sooner or later, business owners realize that they're not getting any more traffic or leads.

3. Evaluate Your Competition

The next step is to evaluate your top competition.

If you're a football team, you're going to study your competition so that you know what you're up against and then build a strategy to beat them. Without this step, you're aimlessly trying things that might or might not work and it'll take longer to rank.

4. Monthly Contract

Once your website has been set up correctly, keywords have been researched and your competition evaluated, it's time to put together a monthly SEO contract. This contract will typically run for either 6 or 12 months and have a budget starting at $2000 per month. It could be more depending on your competition.

When doing SEO, you just don't do a bunch of things at once and wait for results. You want to start with 1-2 things, wait for results and then adjust the plan and do more. We know what will work but each bit of work done must be measured. This is why contracts need to go for 12 months but we do work with clients on 6 month contracts occasionally.

Every month, you'll get a report showing your keywords, rankings and website traffic. We'll update the keywords list for you as well. You can use this list as a guide to writing content if you also plan on working on some content yourself (let's work together on this).

Do We Guarantee a #1 Ranking?

Absolutely not.

And you should not go with a company that does... no way.

If you do, then you've just given them consent to do whatever they need to do to get your website ranked #1. That includes tactics that Google would definitely label as being questionable and trying to cheat. Sure, that might for a little while but when Google catches on to what you did, your website gets slapped and, at that point, it'll cost you 10 times as much (or more) to recover. You may even need to start a new website on a new domain name with new content and everything.

Never, ever hand over the keys to your website to someone that guarantees you will rank #1. Never.

Small-Medium Business SEO Strategy

At Webstix, we focus on ethical search engine optimization techniques. The last thing you need is for a company to use techniques that are questionable and then get penalized for those techniques later as Google adjusts their search algorithm. We've heard many horror stories and we do not want our clients to end up in that boat. A lot of what we do relies on quality content development and that is what search engines want.

We can work with small business, medium sized business and we've also done SEO for large brands. We work with manufacturers, health care, restaurants, distributors and government/educational websites as well.

Got a One Page Website?

We can even do one page website SEO if you have a website that's just one page. It's a little tougher to do since one page websites are not good for SEO but we can help you optimize that page.

In some cases, in order to compete with other websites, you might need to convert it to a multi-page website (which Google prefers) but we can help you with that and keep your design in tact. We'll suggest this only if it needs to be done because you probably really like your one-page website.

Just Need Basic SEO?

We can work with most budgets for on-site and off-site SEO. If you just need basic SEO done (a one-time update, not ongoing), then we can help get your website optimized and up to the mark,. Sometimes just a little bit of optimization is all you need.

We won't try to strong arm you into a contract that you don't need but very often, we see clients' websites that need to compete with other websites that are actively doing SEO work every month. Basic SEO won't work in these cases since you have to be keeping up and doing more than your competition.

Choose Webstix

Webstix - Look GoodWe see Yellow Pages companies selling SEO. We see radio stations selling websites and SEO. We see outdoor advertising (billboard) companies selling website promotion. Printing companies are even doing it!

Why would you buy from them?

Would you buy billboard advertising from a website design company?

Work with the experts on website design and promotion... Webstix!

Working with Webstix for SEO Services in Madison, Wisconsin is simple - just leave it to us. We know you have a business to run and you don't have time to learn about website optimization and all that geek stuff.

If you would like to get started or if you have questions, please contact Webstix today and let's get traffic to your website!

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What Our Clients Say

“Your company and its professionalism are proof positive that distance truly does not matter when completing a large project such as this.”
-Julie Hilliger
Malcolm-Eaton Enterprises
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730 Rayovac Drive
Madison, WI 53711
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580 E Napier Ave.
Benton Harbor, MI 49022
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316 E Monroe St
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